
Showing posts from January, 2020

Audience Engagement Research

The National Geographic is in many places like the drug stores doctors offices and many stores. Our target audience is somewhat similar they target families and and older people or people who are financially stable. There target audience is a bit more broad than mine because in order to travel out of the country it is extremely expensive. While my target audience does not need as much money because the customers would be traveling in the states since our distribution is only going to places around the north east of the United States. They use print media and have a website and have a subscription. The National Geographic is very popular and a house hold name so there success is what I hope my magazine could be. They also have a social media account to keep their customers updated.

Audience Engagement Research

The Sunset magazine is a travel magazine and our target audience is similar because they are trying to get customers who can afford a vacation. They are targeting people with families and elderly people. The Sunset magazine targets people who want to go to the West of the united states. They market their magazine by having the magazine in many stores and distribute it by having it mailed to offices and stores. The form of media that was used is print, email and social media. For my magazine I would use print and I would make a website. They have a subscription service and I would also put that service on my website.

Class adobe Indesign practice

In class we tried to learn some things in Adobe Indesign. I now know how to use the application. I know how to justify the text in Indesign. I also know how to make the headlines and make pictures fit proportionally. I can use this to make my article instead of using pages which would help me personalize my article more because there is more freedom and less restrictions in Indesign.

Audience Engagement Research

Travel+Leisure is a great magazine that I used to help guide me making my magazine there target audience does seem very similar. There ads are for things like hotels, airlines and cruises. There were some ads in the magazine that seemed to target older audience which is good because most people that have money to travel are retired people. They market their magazine by having it at store like Walgreen's, Walmart, and many other stores. They also have a website that has many article on many different topics that customers can go to. They have a social media website that customers can go on. I would use social media like Instagram and Facebook. I would also make a website. Out of all the travel magazines Travel+Leisure is a great magazine to follow closely. 584 × 756

Feedback and revisions

Based on the feedback I received on my midterm submission I decided to work a little more on my article by justifying the text so it can fill the page. I also want to make my front page more professional. I will do this by adding more things to the page and change the color of the text so it can stand out a little more. Later I will try using adobe in design to try and achieve a more professional look. These changes will overall help my final because it will look more put together and make people want to by my magazine.

My Target Audience

My target audience is mainly for families with kids who would like a relaxing getaway. My magazine is also for younger couples, and retired people who are looking to travel. In order to travel the buyers must be financially stable and be able to afford accommodations, and activities. The magazine would also be targeted for people around the northern states because Florida has warm weather and would attract people who are always in the snow.

Use of Conventions

Travel magazines conventionally use a different font color to complement each cover photo. On my cover i used a font color that allowed my magazine cover to still pop without it taking away from the title. The font i used is something that follows conventions of the travel magazine. The thing that make my magazine different from other travel magazines is that it is Florida based and because I live in Florida I know where some good places are and can focus specifically on Florida. My article is laid out like most other travel magazines because it looks the best. I used pictures to fill in some of the plank space to help get a visual for the readers so it is not so boring.