CCR Question #3 Draft

My production skills have gotten pretty good since I took this class and had to do this project. I have learned how to work a new camera and not just my phone camera and through this I get better pictures along with better quality and it also helps in the feature because I will not be limited to just using my phone. For my pictures I did go out and buy a camera because I started to really like taking pictures. I also gained some organization skills such as time management. Five days a week me and my partner worked on a section of our magazine coordinating our house design and how we wanted everything laid out. At the beginning of this project I started scrambling for a genre of magazine and using my phone to take pictures. I knew nothing about media and I didn't know how to use technology well other than browsing the internet. I now know how to export pictures, use a nice camera, use different applications and how to work in a group while still getting my things turned in.


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