
Showing posts from December, 2019

Midterm submission

I did do the article on my laptop but I had to just screenshot it cause I didn't know how to save just the page I can't get it on. This is everything put together. I choose this cover because it compliments the background the best I left the fonts the same because it looks the best. Table of contents I left the same. The article I did not change. I used Georgia font for that and an orange color for the title that complements the picture. I decided to pick this cover because it looks more professional then my last. I decided to keep my article the same in terms of font size and color. The font compliments the picture I used. I decided to continue to use the table of contents I had already made for my midterm submission. The fonts compliment the pictures used and the   

schedule photo shoots

I also decided to use the 19th as a day to do my photoshoots since I was already on the Key. I did this day and the 20th because one of the days it was kind of cloudy. My magazine is about a beach so there needs to be some decent weather when I take pictures, so I can try and get some people to come here. Most of the pictures here I used somewhere while making my magazine.

scout locations

To take pictures I had to scout for locations I knew I needed places on or near Siesta so I decided to go the village and take picture of The Old Salty Dog. I then went to St. Armands Circle to try and see if if would work. The pictures from there didn't really turn out how I wanted them to because of how busy it is both on the streets and walking along with the weather.


I decided to do an interview with a civilian of Siesta Key and a worker at the local favorite The Old Salty Dog. I plan on going to take pictures of the restaurant and interview the worker about everything the town has to offer along with the resturant. I contacted the person I know and decided to schedule the meeting on the 19th of December. Questions I may ask are how long have you lived on Siesta Key? Where do you recommend tourist to visit? What is the most ordered dish?

Flat plan

For my flat plan My partner and I decided to make our magazine a hundred pages half of which are ads. The other half is articles. The articles in the magazine would be things like hotels, leisure and restaurants all to do around the Sarasota area or not too far from Sarasota. The ads would be things relevant to travel such as cruises or thing to target older couples that have money to spend.

Table of contents

For the table of contents me and my partner decided to use Cambria 48 bold sized font becuase it is bold and blocky letters which makes it stand out. I decide to do a dark navy color for the word "content". The background I did a light creme color to make the letters pop and  not look so bland. The sub categories I made a lighter blue to get the readers attention. I used pictures from siesta key village, marina jacks and the broken pier. I also used Cambria for this just size 36 and not bold. Me and my partner had decided to only right down three articles from each section

Create Cover Design Template

The Picture I used for the cover is a picture taken at Siesta Key Beach. I did two different things on theses the first one used a lot of Word Art and didn't know if I would like it better a different way so I decided to make two for my partner to see. I'm leaning towards the second one. For that one the title I made in Georgia size 32 and bolded in a navy blue. For the features I used Bell MT Word Art size 36 font and a light pink to really bring out the clouds. I then used a circle and put some text in the circle to fill up some space.