
Showing posts from October, 2019

Project Selection- My Decision

I have chosen to do the magazine for my project. I have chosen this because I enjoy taking pictures more than taking videos. Picture editing interests me more than film editing. The main factor that made me choose the magazine instead of the film is the fact that for a film you have to rely on people and I would prefer not to have to find actors and actresses. I might do a sports fitness magazine and talk about the season and let the coaches give statements about how they are getting prepared, what their workouts are like and messages they want to give to people in Sarasota. I might do this because I am play soccer, and compete in track and field which could help me get more details because I will be at all the games and meets. There would be one magazine that would come out each season with the sports for that season. Another idea I thought about doing is just a magazine all about Sarasota High the clubs, sports, and events going on. I will be working with Haleigh Smoot I chose with

Project Selection-Film

Films could be interesting because there is a story to tell. By picking actors and using specific dialogue a story and mood can be set. Another thing that’s good about the film is being able to set the mood by establishing setting. Incidental music and atmosphere sound can help create a feeling that the audience can feel. I do like taking videos though so that could be a pro. A challenge would be finding actors and actresses for the film. For the oil multiple videos would need to be taken to find the best one. The film seems more time consuming and challenging because of trying to find actors,  and making a script. The film project you also would have to rely on the actors and actresses to do their part. A big challenge would be working as a team and I work better independently.

Project Selection- Magazine

Aspects of print journalism that interest me is the interviewing process, being able to go back and interview people on their experiences. Print media such as newspapers are falling  considerably in popularity and is a generally slow business as people are looking more into fake news and things online. The magazine project seems appealing because photography interests me I enjoy taking pictures and like being able to miniver the subject or camera to a place that looks good. Some things that might be challenging are being able to catch the right shot if it’s an action picture. Another thing that might be hard is working a camera that I’m not used to working. Being consistent with the layout of the magazine could be challenging. Another problem I could run into is trying to edit the photos it seems easier to edit videos. With creating a magazine it’s easier to take many pictures and out of those pictures picking the best one. A good aspect of the magazine is it could be printed or posted