
Showing posts from November, 2019

Camera Shot Activity

During class my teacher gave us a  group and a list of camera shots to make along with a camera. This activity was to insure that we knew what the shots were and to prepare us for the exam. Canted Angle Extreme Close Up Wide Shot Mid Shot Low Angle High Angle

Magazine Genre Research

LWR Life is a travel magazine promoting Lakewood Ranch, Florida. The cover page is of some type of drink that is promoting the Christmas holidays. The tittle is red and white for the holidays. This magazine has no table of contents its is very busy and is unorganized. The arrivals in it are very similar to Crested Butte. There are way more ads in this one this magazine does promote the community more but Lakewood Ranch os a way smaller place. The ads are retirement homes, restaurants and fun activities to do near Lakewood Ranch. The pictures are of LWR theres a bunch of ads about homes for sale and is more kid friendly their targeted customers seem to be both younger families and older people. The circulation number is 15,000.

Magazine Genre Research

The crested butte magazine is a travel magazine based in Colorado. This magazine is very similar to the Clearwater one. The cover is very green and full of nature with a bicyclist what looks to be on a nature trail. The tile is very subtle but white so it stands out. The table of contents is very simple and organized with a picture of mountains. The types of ads are restaurants and hotels there was also a lot of realtor listings which was something new. Ads are on almost all the pages. Images on the ads and articles were of Crusted Butte's site seeing places. This magazine is definitely targeted for older people probably around 40-50 years old because there are no kid related ads or articles and Crested Butte is very expensive. The circulation number is 20,000.

Magazine Genre Research

Gulf To Bay is a travel magazine promoting clearwater. The cover is of a women dancing on the beach with edited color around her. The font is white and bold so it stands out. The table of contents page is very busy I didn't even see it originally the font is red and there are a bunch of small pictures of food. Every couple of pages are articles all of them are things to do in clearwater and what clearwater has to offer. The ads are promoting clearwater like hotels in Clearwater, beach apparel and restaurants. All of the photos on every page are real places in Clearwater. The distribution number is 650,000.

Magazine Genre Research

The cover layout of this magazine is a picture of a vacation home or hotel with a nice beach access.The colors of the text Sunset is a sandy color with bold lettering the different types of places to visit are in different colored fonts to show the different types of places discussed. The articles appear on every couple of pages most of them are about photography, places to go in different areas of the world and decor. The ads are on almost every page and are about hotels, airlines, food and cars. The table of contents is a picture of food and a little kid. Their target customers based on these thing are people in there thirties or forties. The circulation number is 1,262,587

Magazine Genre Research

The cover layout is the title some text is scattered over the page to draw in attention. The theme is fall and the use orange for the magazine title the subtitle is black both are bold and fall colors. The articles included are about different place to visit around the world. This includes place to eat and native dishes. They appear on every couple of pages. Half the magazine are ads half of them are articles. The ads are travel related such as hotels, shirts that are good for travel, yachts and cruises. The pictures are mainly scenery of different locations. The amount of subscribers for this magazine is  953,484. The photos on the table of contents is a picture of a wine cellar.